Domain registration prices are a market that is fairly well established. There are higher prices and lower with various companies, but overall only a few dollars of each other. If prices for domain name registration can really be compared in the realm of the number of domains, the number of years, and suffixes. So here is a bit "of domain name registration prices compared on the basis of the length of time, number of domains and the suffix is the name.
In the first part of the domain registration prices, the number of domains, compared to accommodate you. In most all major record companies, you get a better price for the domain with several domain names registered at the same time. So, for the best price you will get will usually need to register hundreds of domains. You can expect to save up to 11% when you enroll in the crowd with your domain registrar.
Another to consider when registering the domain name prices are compared, the number of years you register for the same time. For example, if you pay for only one year, only four dollars, but if your domain name to register for 10 years could save several dollars per year. This does not mean that you will always be recorded over several years, but for the maximum number of years, the calculations to make sense. Think about how big a commitment you do as much as you want and then pay for registration. Remember, even if you pay more, you can always renew your time for reporting.