Fireplace is the best thing you can use to make your room warmer, and of course now you should leave traditional fireplace because you can use modern fireplaces that will give your warmer room than previous version of the fireplace. There are some modern fireplaces that you can choose, and most of them have been designed to change your room into warmer with small fire, this is safer than traditional one.
Modern fireplace is designed by professional, with simple and easier feature, so that you can use the fireplace easily even when you have to wake up in the middle of the night because you cannot sleep and need warmer fire in your house.
The fireplace will be lasting longer, you should do some treatment and maintain the fireplace regularly especially to keep it clean and free from water especially sea water. Salt and water are two dangerous element for any iron, even stainless element can be damage by salt and water for a long time of contamination.
When you have bought the fireplace, don’t forget to ensure you have decorated the location and area very well in order to avoid fire threat. This will be safe and of course will protect yourself as well.