Thursday, April 16, 2009

Download oDC++

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oDC is an acronym for Opera's DC++ which is based on the popular Direct Connect clone "DC++".

oDC is an acronym for Opera's DC++ which is based on the popular Direct Connect clone "DC++".
Since DC++ is open source, you can download the source code and start modifying it. This is what I have done. To do this, you need to stick to GPL (GNU General Public License). That's why I release my modifications as well.

First of all we have to understand what oDC really is about.
I started oDC because;
1. I couldn't. I didn't know c++ (the programming language dc++ is written in).
2. I could. dc++ (and all its mods) is open source, which means; the source code is out there. Modify. Compile. Run!
3. I had nothing else to do (white lie).
You can see oDC as version of dc++ that's always (almost) "more beta". I implement new features (rarely remove any, if ever done..), which means I "implement" new bugs.
This is a reason for some people not to use it. For others it's a matter of principles, and a few thinks it's worth it, for the fact of getting more features. But oDC still is, and always will be a feature rich "nightly build" of dc++. Anyway, if you think the following sounds interresting, you might wanna try oDC.